Green Shell Mussel and Green Lipid Mussel Most Effective for Arthritis
2 years ago
Green Shell Mussel and Green Lipid Mussel Most Effective for Arthritis

Green Shell Mussel – A Boon For Arthritis

Green lipid Mussel is a nutritional supplement taken from a type of mussel native to New Zealand.  
Named for its green edges, the green lipid mussel is a shellfish which has been claimed to have medicinal properties as it contains several anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty compounds which are claimed to treat inflammatory conditions including arthritis and asthma.

Packed With Nutrients

Green Shell mussels are a rich source of anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids especially EICOSAPENTENOIC ACID (EPA) and DOCOSAHEXANOIC ACID (DHA).
It is also believed to be rich in other types of fatty acids which may possess anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting enzymes that produce pain and inflammation.
In addition to these, the mussels are a good source of iron, zinc, selenium, and other B vitamins. 
Moreover, it contains chondroitin sulfate which is a component of connective tissue like bones and joints and may also aid to reduce inflammation.

Is it safe? 

Green lipid mussel seems to be relatively well tolerated, although some slight discomfort like itching, abdominal pain, nausea, and flatulence may occur occasionally.


Arthritis which generally causes pain, swelling and stiffness in joints is a result of chronic inflammation. two common type of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid Arthritis. Due to its anti inflammatory properties it has been claimed to reduce pain and inflammation.   
Asthma which is also a chronic inflammatory disorder can also show improvements in its early symptoms like wheezing and improvement in breathing when taken along with the medications  
Some researches show that It may also shows  improvement in ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) exercise induced muscle soreness and rheumatoid arthritis but not all the researches agree to that.

  • Dr G’s Arthritplus and Green Shell Mussel  
  • Green Shell  Mussel is the major component of Arthritplus which is helpful in REVERSING ARTHRITIS in following ways  
  • Regeneration of cartilage and synovial fluid 
  • Elimination of pain & inflammation 
  • Recreation of joint space 
  • Strengthening of supporting structure of the joint. 
  • Enabling pain free life and easy mobility. 
  • Avoiding/ preventing Surgeries

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