Dr. Gaurav Sharma
Dr. Gaurav Sharma
"Numero Uno Doctor and Research"

Dr. Gaurav Sharma, the very name evokes a sense of profound respect and a deluge of boundlessadmiration. A Diabetologist par excellence, Dr Sharma was also known as a Fitness and SportsMedicine Expert, Lifestyle Doctor and researcher. He has been extremely instrumental in raisingthe awareness drive on reversing Diabetes in the most scientific and holistic way. In a quest tocontribute more with his enormous knowledge and competence, Dr. Sharma founded Prime Wellness in the year 2011. The very purpose of the inception of this institution was to providepreventive care and management for the lifestyle-related diseases, like heart diseases,hypertension, diabetes via lifestyle modifications that comprise dietary changes, stressmanagement, exercise modules specifically programmed for lifestyle diseases, nutritional supplementsand motivational counseling.

About Prime Wellness

Prime Wellness started operating in the year 2011 with the mission to extend helping hands to the patients suffering from the lifestyle-related disorders and to provide them a ray of hope to live their life with dignity.

We at Prime Wellness have a strong workforce of medical and business professionals, patient relationship executives who work tirelessly to bring the health of our patients back on track. We at Prime Wellness leave no stone unturned to enable our patients live with no regret regarding their health and their quality of life is our Greatest Gift. Our well laid innovative and comprehensive treatment plan is the greatest guarantor of good health and wellness.


Prime Wellness Pvt. Ltd. is widely recognized as India's pioneer Lifestyle, wellness & health-care company. The company is led by Dr. Gaurav Sharma, a world-renowned diabetologist and visionary. Regarded as the forerunner in manufacturing and promoting nutritional food supplement for lifestyle- related disorders, Prime Wellness has a robust presence across the entire wellness spectrum.

We have emerged as the prime provider of the nutritional food supplements for the lifestyle- related disorders, like diabetes, arthritis, obesity, etc. Through our innovative approach of treatment, we have been able to bring substantive changes in the lives of thousands of patients who come to us.

Our Mission
Our Mission
Our mission is to go above and beyond our members' expectations. We are committed to the notion that quality matters and will never stop striving for perfection.
We at Prime Wellness have a strong workforce of medical and business professionals, patient relationship executives who work tirelessly to bring the health of our patients back on track. We at Prime Wellness leave no stone unturned to enable our patients live with no regret regarding their health and their quality of life is our Greatest Gift. Our well laid innovative and comprehensive treatment plan is the greatest guarantor of good health and wellness.
Our Team
Our Team
Our Team
Our Team
We at Prime Wellness have a strong workforce of medical and business professionals, patient relationship executives who work tirelessly to bring the health of our patients back on track. We at Dr.G leave no stone unturned to enable our patients live with no regret regarding their health and their quality of life is our Greatest Gift. Our well laid innovative and comprehensive treatment plan is the greatest guarantor of good health and wellness.
Our Specialities

During his entire medical experience of over 14 years, Dr.G felt the need for people to reconsider their approach towards the conventional ways of treating the most of lifestyle- related disorders (diabetes, arthritis, etc.). He is the one who is credited to make people aware on how to reverse such lifestyle-related disorders with the help of exercise, right diet plans and nutritional food supplements.

Reversing Diabetes

Recent research shows that drugs recommended for diabetes may be an option before the persons affected with it, but it cannot be the solution. It is simply because on an average, a diabetic can sustain 10-15 years on drugs. After that stage, the dose of the drugs cannot be increased, and hence external insulin becomes the need of the hour.

Reversing Arthritis

When a person is diagnosed with Arthritis, ground slips under his or her feet. Though the symptoms start getting obvious quite at early stage, but the actual diagnosis may take time. As the major symptom of the disease is constant pain accompanied by inflammation, the goal of any arthritis treatment is to make the pain and inflammation subside so that the normal day-to-day chores of the affected person may not get jeopardized.

Healthy Weight Management

Dr. G while treating a number of patients with lifestyle issues, observed that most of the people, diagnosed with lifestyle disorders, are grappling with the problem of weight management. Dr.G feels that for an obese, or a hard-core athlete or a gymgoer, it is very much important to include plenty of protein throughout the day to build strong muscles and stay out of the feeling of hunger. The intake of protein leads to weight loss and prohibition of feeling of hunger. A considerable number of people, especially vegetarians, get lower Protein Percentage owing to the absence of meat in their diet and hence it becomes imperative for them to stick to proper weight management with the right amount of protein supplements. Hence, his comprehensive weight management program includes the dietary supplements that contain adequate amount of needed protein and this management program proves to be extremely instrumental in maintaining a slim and trim appearance.

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